Monday, December 7, 2009

Don't Catch that Bug

With the Cold and Flu Season upon us we want to put out some quick reminders about how to protect yourself, your family and other from sharing more than a dose of holiday cheer. 
  1.  Remember to have your family wash their hands frequently.  Virus and bacteria is transmitted person to person through secretions, so wash off what you may have picked up with soap and hot water.  It is also suggested that you carry a travel size of hand-sanitizer for those time when you can't wash up.
  2.  Remember to care for your immune system, by eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, and getting a good night sleep. 
  3.  If you or a family member get sick make sure you stay home and get better!  You're body needs the rest and recouperation, and others don't need the opportunity to share in the muck.  The CDC recommends that those with cough, fever, runny noses, stomache sickness or any other infectious symptoms need to stay away from others during and for 24 hrs after symptom have stopped.  We understand that church is a wonderful way to stay uplifted when you feeling in the dumps, but please follow these guideline for church meetings.
 We wish you a very healthy and Merry Christmas Season.

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