Thursday, December 12, 2013


It's almost Christmas and a wonderful opportunity to help provide some families with yummy Christmas dinners.

Below is a list of items that we are collecting for the Christmas food baskets.

Please check back before you go out to do your shopping.

We will update the blog as we receive items so you will be able to see what we are still in need of.

Thanks for all you do.

We are so blessed to have such an amazing ward.


NOTE: All items Must be store bought. Please no home canned items such as fruit, veggies, jam, etc.


*TURKEY or HAM  need 4


*SYRUP need 4






RICE need 9






*CEREAL need 8

*OATMEAL need 8



JAM need 10



Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Schedule for Super Saturday

Hello Ladies.  Here is the schedule for super Saturday.   Super Saturday is THIS Saturday, November 23rd at the church.  Please note the time that your craft/crafts will be taught.  We will ONLY have the sister teaching your craft available during the time that the craft is scheduled because they may have other crafts they are making or other things scheduled for that day.  I know some of the things overlap a little but I have tried to make it possible for everyone to get to all of the crafts that they have signed up for.    Some crafts do have paint that will need to dry, etc. so I have tried to make it so you can go work on another craft while the paint dries, etc.  We will also have some refreshments there so you can go eat and visit or work on a Monster for the service project if you find you have a little bit of waiting to do.
Please do not arrive to start a craft at the end of the scheduled time.  For most crafts plan to arrive at least 30-45 min before it is scheduled to end.  For the countdown board take into account that some drying time will be required.  For the puppet theatre please give yourselves more time and come early enough to complete the project during it's scheduled time.

We are really excited!  Can't wait to see everyone there!
Call, text or email me with any questions.

Nikol McKean

10:00am -11:00am
Puppet Theatre
Santa Key
Count Down Board
11:00am- 1:00pm

Casserole Dish
11:30am - 12:30pm
Be Kind Board
The Article of Faith and 12 Apostle cards
Monsters Service Project

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Super Saturday is almost here!  If you have not yet signed up for or paid for projects please do so ASAP!!  Money needs to be collected by Monday, November 18th.  Please contact Sister Nikol McKean if you need to pay or have questions.

We have lots of fun projects available.  If you missed seeing them let me know and I will send you the email with the various items.

We are also going to be working on a service project along with our crafts.  We will be sewing adorable little monsters that will be donated to a children's area of the hospital.  What a great way to help provide a snuggly little buddy to children when they really could use a friend!

We will be getting in touch with those that have signed up to let them know what time (between 10am and 2pm) their craft will be scheduled.  Please come during your scheduled time.  That is the only time that the person teaching your craft will be there and available to teach.
There will not be a separate children's class. We will have a movie and coloring area set up if you find you need to bring your children with you.  The area will be set up in the gym so it will be easy for you to watch your children while you work on your projects.
There will be light refreshments!
We can't wait to see you there!!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Relief Society Activity

Join us on Tuesday, October 15th for some drops of Awesome!  We are having an activity/mini fireside celebrating our awesomeness!
Sister Natalie Waltman has agreed to speak and share her thoughts with us about giving ourselves credit for the awesome things we do each day.
We will also be putting together a little gift for each of us to take home to help us to remember how awesome we are.
There will be refreshments and a children's class!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Making Visiting Teaching a Way of Life - not a task

Nampa 33rd ward relief society activity
Tuesday, September 17th at 7pm in the relief society room
Bring your thoughts and questions about visiting teaching.
Please try to read the chapter on visiting teaching in your Daughters in My Kingdom book.
The following link allows you to read or download the book online:
*There will be a children's class availiable.*
Stay for cookies and fellowship after the discussion.
If you have any questions please contact Sister Nancy Stevenson  409-3382
***Mark your calendars for our next activity on October 15th!**

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ward BBQ and Vegetable derby

Don't forget that this Saturday, June 1st is the 33rd Ward Barbecue and Vegetable Derby!  We hope to see EVERYONE there!  Come have some dinner and create a veggie vehicle to race against family and friends. 
Make sure to invite your friends, family, neighbors, home teaching families and visiting teaching sisters! 
If you missed the sign up for food on Sunday feel free to bring a favorite dessert or side dish.
See you all there!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Upcoming Activities

Don't forget May 21st at 7pm we have a Super Fun Relief Society Activity planned!  We are going to be playing Volley Ball and Bingo.  It is going to be lots of fun.  All Relief Society, Young Women and Activity Days gals are invited to come.  Even if you don't want to play Bingo or Volley Ball come hang out and cheer your Sisters on!
Contact Sister Emily Wilson with any questions!
Next month we are planning a container herb gardening activity!  We will keep you posted as we get closer to the date!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Saturday morning General Conference starts in just a couple of minutes so I am going to keep this pretty short.  ( : 
Don't forget that this is Conference weekend.
I love having the opportunity to spend the weekend listening to the Prophets.  Our Father in Heaven loves us so much.  We truly do have living Prophets on the earth today and this is such an awesome opportunity to come listen to the Prophets voice.  I hope that you are able to take advantage of this wonderful blessing.
Remember that you can listen, watch, or read conference talks at

Temple Activity for Tuesday April 6th
This Tuesday ALL Relief Society Sisters (and friends) are invited to meet at the church parking lot to carpool to the temple for the 11:30 am session.  Meet at the church at around 10:30am to carpool or join us at the 11:30am session at the temple.  We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions contact Sister Candace Beck
Mark your Calenders for our Activity in May
 May 21 – Volley Ball and Bingo 
We will be inviting the YW and Activity day gals to join us for Volley Ball and Bingo (WITH NO PRIZES naturally but there will be LOTS of FUN!!!!!)
If you have any questions about this activity contact Sister Emily Wilson
That's it for now!  Now ... go enjoy conference!  ( :

Monday, February 4, 2013


We will be having a Relief Society activity on Tuesday, February 12th at 7pm in the relief society room.  It is going to be a mix and mingle type of activity.  We have had lots of new sisters move into our ward and we want everyone to have the chance to get to know each other better.
There will be refreshments and a children's class provided.
Please call Sister Nikol Mckean with any questions.
Hope to see you all there!!