Tuesday, July 5, 2011


There is still plenty of work to be done at the Orchard. We still have lots of Peach trees to finish and Apricots are nearly ready to be picked. We are running out of time and need to get this done.

A group will be meeting at Bishop Adams home on Wednesday, July 6th at 5:30am to head to the orchard to do some work while it is still cooler. If you are able to go to the orchard at this time please join them.

Another group has plans to meet at the Orchard beginning around 6pm on Thursday, July 7th. If you are able to help at that time please join the group meeting at the orchard at that time.

For directions and other information about the orchard please visit the website at


Brother and Sister Legg's 50th Anniversary gathering

Tonight, Tuesday July 5th at 7pm at the Stake Center

There will be a gathering held to honor and celebrate Brother and Sister Legg's 50 years of marriage. Their children are hosting the gathering and it is not a Relief Society or Church activity but they would like everyone in the ward to know that you are ALL invited to attend.