Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Our Dear Sister, Marilyn Sheppard

Our dear Sister Marilyn Sheppard passed away this last Monday. She will be dearly missed.
Sister Sheppard was a wonderful friend an example to all that knew her and a truly beautiful soul. She was an ever shining example of faith, love and service.
We can testify to you, without reservation, that our Father in Heaven and our Savior deeply love Marilyn. We testify to you that our savior does have the power to redeem each of us. He has given us all the most wonderful and precious gift of eternal life.
While we will miss Marilyn and we grieve for her family and loved ones, we are comforted in knowing that she is with our Father in Heaven and is no longer subject to the pains and frailties of mortality. May this serve as a blessing and a comfort to us all at this time.
Please know that we are available if any of you should need anything at all.

Sister Marilyn Sheppard's viewing will be held on Saturday, November 27th from 10-10:30am at the Stake Center on Birch ave.
Her funeral will follow the viewing at 10:30am.

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