Thursday, September 6, 2012


We have plenty of wonderful activities to look forward to this month so don't forget to mark those calendars!!

Friday, September 21st  -  WARD TALENT SHOW

Come and share your talents (you know you have them) with the ward.  You can perform or display items that showcase your individual, family or group talent. 
Make sure to talk this over with your Primary kids as well because the sign ups will be going around in Primary this Sunday!
More information on this fun family event coming soon!

Saturday, September 22nd  -  SUPER SATURDAY

All young women and Relief Society sisters are invited to come and get their craft on. 
We have lots of fun projects to try this year.  The items as well as the sign up sheets are on display on Sundays outside of the Relief Society Room. 
Even if you don't want to make an item please feel free to come and sit in and see how it is done.  We also have a free class on creating your own homemade facials that promises to be very cool so come and enjoy that.
Super Saturday will be a "potluck" this year.  We will not be doing a full meal just any yummy sides, treats, dips, etc that you would like to bring to share. 
A children's class will be available so don't let the lack of a babysitter keep you from coming and sharing in the fun.
This is a great way to get a jump on those Christmas gifts and learn some new crafting ideas. 

This years crafts are as follows:

·       Homemade Facials” class  (learn to make a facial that meets your own specific needs) -    FREE

·       Button Stringing Bracelet (There is NO SEWING required on the bracelet so it couldn't bee more simple for anyone to create.  fun for anyone to wear and so cute for those littler ladies in your life.) -    $1.50

·       Miscellaneous Button  Bracelet (This is Sewn but so simple.  If you can sew on a button you are already half way there on this project.  This is a very cool bracelet that is the perfect match for almost ANY outfit! This does take some time to complete so keep that in mind.  If you plan to make many crafts this year you may want to limit the number of these you sign up to make unless you plan to complete some at home.) -    $2.00

·       Surprise Ball (This makes a great party favor, neighbor gift, gift for kids to give to friends, etc.) -    $2.00

·       Children’s Holiday Stories Binder (featuring stories collected from The Friend all in one convenient place so they are easy to share with your children or grand children during the holiday seasons.) -    $4.50    ($1.50 if you have your own binder already)

·       Temple Picture (Beautiful temple picture with the option to have it on display on a wall, shelf or table.) -    $5.00

·       Super Hero Capes (Such an awesome way to get your little heroes, magicians, etc. their own cape for a much lower cost then retail.  Plus with lots of shapes and styles to choose from you can really personalize this capes decals for the perfect cape for each child.) -    $5.00 (Black, Red, Blue, Pink) (0-3yrs or 4yrs & up)

·       Hair Bow Holder (Hooray for hair clip storage!! Organise that jumble of bows or add a few new bows to this holder and make it a gift for your favorite little fancy girl.) -    $10.00

·       Birthday Board (perfect way to organise and display those school photos and keep track of Birthdays at the same time.  The perfect Grandparent gift especially if there are lots of Birthdays to keep strait.) -    $15.50 (Citrus Green, Teal, Black, Gray)

·       Medallion Wreath (Love this one.  This is a super simple craft the really packs a punch.  Change out the ribbon for different seasons and hang it on your front door as a beautiful welcome to guests or add a mirror or favorite photo and display it inside your home.) -    $22.00  (Citrus Green, Christmas Green, Gray, Teal)

·       Nativity (Perfect for those that don't have a nativity or for those nativity collectors.  Beautiful in any home.  it is wooden so you don't need to worry about those curious little hands doing any damage.  The kids can hold it and play with it without doing it any harm.  Such a simple and beautiful gift for Christmas or a wedding.) -    (This will be a bargain - the final cost will be listed this week)

*All crafts MUST be paid for in advance so that supplies can be purchased.  Supplies will only be purchased for items that have been paid for and there will not be any extra  supplies available at the activity.
*If you are paying by check, please make checks payable to Nikol McKean*
Saturday, September 29th  -  Relief Society General Broadcast
Over the next several weeks, please pick up an extra item when you are doing your regular grocery shopping to donate. Some examples of items to donate include: peanut butter, canned meats, chili, soups, dried beans or peas, shelf stable milk, canned fruits and vegetables, pasta sauce, whole grain crackers,cereal, pasta, rice, staples like sugar, flour,oil, or baking powder, or consumables like toilet paper, diapers, toothpaste, laundry soap, or deodorant. You are also welcome to donate fresh produce from your garden. Our goal is 1000 lbs of food!
We will be collecting and packing the items into boxes at the Birch stake building between 4:00 and 4:45 on Saturday, September 29th. Following the food drive portion of the evening, a simple dinner will be served. The broadcast starts at 6:00 pm in the chapel.
Our ward has been asked to be in charge of the meal (which will be Hawaiian Haystacks) this year.  We will need some help setting up and cleaning up the meal portion as well as chopping and cooking.  We will have sign ups and more information on this soon.

We look forward to seeing everyone at these great activities!