Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Conference Packets

Here are a few links to age appropriate conference packet that may help engage your children during conference sessions.  Enjoy your sessions!

Age Appropriate Packets for Nursery, Jr. & Sr. Primary

LDS Resourse for Youth

Craft Day!

Creative or not
Here's the spot
Laugh and play

And share the day!
Take that box of old photos out of the closet and lets have some fun!

If you love to scrapbook, stamp, do crafts or just interact with friends then lets make plans to make a day!  Plan on a craft day Tuesday mornings.  Contact Gina Penney for more details at

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our True Identity - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

General Relief Society Meeting Highlights

Here is the link from the church website for any of you that were unable to attend the General Relief Society Broadcast or would just like to revisit some of the messages.

Single's Fireside

Save the date!
Nampa 33rd ward Single's Fireside - Sunday, October 17th.

Building Cleaning

This month is our Ward's month for building cleaning. Building cleaning takes place on Saturday mornings at 8am. The first and third Saturday those members with a last name beginning with A-L are asked to come help out. The second and fourth Saturday those members with a last name beginning with M-Z are asked to help out.
Don't worry, if you come on a Saturday that does not correspond with your last name, there will be no complaints! The more the merrier.

Hooray for Primary

The Primary is in the process of preparing for the Primary program. The Primary program is a large undertaking and the Primary Presidency, Music Leader, Pianist and Teachers all put a great deal of effort into this wonderful program. What a blessing to have them assisting us in the spiritual education of the children of our ward.
If you have a child in Primary please encourage and assist them in their own personal preparations for this program. The Primary still has some copies of the Primary Program songs for this year. If you did not get a CD or just need another copy they would love to make sure that your family receives one. Please speak with any member of the Primary Presidency to get one.

Listen to and Prepare for General Conference

We want to remind you again that General Conference will be on Saturday, October 2nd and Sunday, October 3rd.
What a blessing to have a living Prophet to guide us. What a blessing to be able to receive council from our Father in Heaven through this Prophet.
If we put in the effort of prayerfully preparing to receive the teachings of our Prophet we will be all the more blessed. We can receive answers to prayers, needed guidance, uplifted spirits and renewed faith. These and many other blessings are ours if we will put in the work and preparation to claim them.
We challenge each of you to prayerfully prepare to hear the words of our Prophet this coming General Conference. Prepare to act upon the things that will be taught. It is our promise that in doing so you will be blessed. You will be uplifted and encouraged. You will receive inspiration and guidance. You will be better equipped to incorporate the Lord's gospel and teachings into your lives.
Have a Wonderful Conference weekend! We love you very much and are so pleased to have such a unique opportunity to get to know you all.

Love, Your Relief Society Presidency

Friday, September 24, 2010

weekend reminders

Just a few final reminders for the week:

This Saturday September 25th is the Relief Society General Broadcast. We will be meeting at the Stake Center. Dinner will begin at 5pm and the broadcast begins at 6pm. The broadcast is always an awesome experience and a free dinner is always great.

Tonight (Friday, September 24th) is our ward temple night. Those that plan to attend are invited to meet at the Stake Center at 5:30pm and drive over to the temple together.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Relief Society Activity

Just a reminder that our September Relief Society Activity will be on Tuesday the 21st at 7pm.
Sister Janet Thurgood will be speaking. She is going to share her "Scripture Study formula" with us. She will be singing and sharing stories as well. It is going to be awesome!
We will be meeting in the Stake Center Gym. Please bring your scriptures with you to this activity.
A children's class will be provided.
Refreshments will follow Sister Thurgood's presentation.

Relief Society General Broadcast

The Relief Society General Broadcast is on Saturday, September 25th. This meeting will be at the Stake Center.
Dinner will be served and begins at 5pm.
The broadcast begins at 6pm.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Reminder: upcoming Relief Society Activity

Sisters, remember there is a ward Relief Society Activity scheduled for Tuesday, September 21st at 7pm. We have invited a couple of other wards to join us. We'd like as many people as possible to have the opportunity to share in this wonderful activity. Sister Janet Thurgood from the 13th ward will be speaking to us, singing for us and uplifting our spirits.
Janet will be sharing some wonderful incites into the scriptures and some great things we can incorporate into our personal scripture study.
The program Janet is planning to share is amazing! I have yet to mention it to anyone that has heard it before that they haven't expressed to me how awesome it is. Janet incorporates her unbelievable talent for singing along with some of her personal experiences into an already wonderful, spiritual topic.
Make sure to bring your scriptures! (We will provide the tissues.)
The activity will be held in the Stake Center Gym. Refreshments and a Children's Class will be provided.