Monday, June 14, 2010


There is an ongoing play group meeting on Wednesdays at 9:30. It meets at the Little John Park. (off Canterbury in the Sherwood subdivision) This park has worked out well in previous years. It is pretty enclosed which tends to help with keeping the little ones corralled. Also, there is plenty of space for older children to bring a soccer ball or something to play with. Bring snacks and drinks if you like and stay as long or as little as you want to. It is a good idea to bring a blanket or something to sit on.
This group is a lot of fun for the kids and a nice chance for the adults to get out and chat and enjoy the sunshine! If you don't have children or you have children that may be too young or too old to be interested in a play group, please feel welcome to come and enjoy the company and conversation.
This is not specifically a "Relief Society" activity it is an on-going neighborhood group that anyone is welcome to enjoy. Come as often as works for you and your family. There is no obligation, it is very low key.
If you have any questions on anything or need directions to the park please contact Stacy Jepson.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sister Sophia Hutchinson is hosting a baby shower for Sister Allison Jensen later this month. Although the shower is not an official "Relief Society activity" it is being given by a sister in our ward, for a sister in our ward and the invitation is extended to all sisters in our Relief Society. Since this is the case the information for the shower is listed below so that all those that would like to attend may plan to do so.

Sister Allison Jensen
June 26th at 2pm
Allison is expecting a baby girl and has registered at Baby's-R-Us and Target
Host: Sophia Hutchinson
7244 E. Wiltshire Lane

The Orchard Again

Remember that our ward is again planning to meet at the Orchard this Thursday June 17th at 6:30pm. Everyone is invited for plenty of work and plenty of fun! Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Funeral for Brother Scott Reynolds of the 13th ward

For those of you that know the Reynolds family (13th ward) you may have learned by now that they have suffered the loss of their father and husband this week. Scott's passing has come as quite a shock. Our hearts go out to Betty and the boys as they struggle with this burden. Our love, sympathy and prayers are with them.
For those of you that wish to attend his funeral it will be held this Friday, June 11th at the Northside Building. The services will begin at 11am.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Makeover night

We're having a non-church affiliated girls night this Friday June 11th at 6:00pm.  Although this is not a church activity we want you all to know you are invited.  We're having an energy makeover night where we learn about four of the elements in the human body.  One element is dominant in everybody and based on which one yours is, you will have very specific and unique way of being you.  Oddly enough there are certain colors, and clothing types that will make you look your very best based on this element.  Normally, this class cost $69, but will only be $20 for our group.  If you are interested in coming please let Heather Sessions know by Thursday night.  371-4991.  Hope you can come for our fun girls night.

Baby Showers Baby Showers!!

Two of the Sisters in our ward that are expecting their little ones very soon and are having baby showers this month. Although the showers are not official "Relief Society activities" they are being given by sisters in our ward, for sisters in our ward and the invitations are extended to all sisters in our Relief Society. Since this is the case the basic information for the showers is listed below so that all those that arewould like to attend may plan to do so.

Sister Amy Groesbeck
June 12th at 7pm
The shower is at 16628 N. Windsor Lane
Amy is having a baby girl (needs are diapers and 12 month + clothing)
There is no RSVP

Sister Allison Jensen
June 26th at 2pm
The shower is given by Sophia Hutchinson 7244 E. Wiltshire Lane 208-442-7989
Allison is registered at Baby's-R-Us and Target

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Remember the Orchard!!!
Our ward will be working at the orchard tonight (Thursday June 3rd)
Once again there will be Hot dogs and Fun to go along with your hard work!
Thanks to those who have helped in the past and thank you to those that will participate in the months to come.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

In your fasts and prayers

Sisters, we have been asked by our good bishop to specifically keep the Tripple and Denny families in mind. Please join us in our fasts and prayers for these families as they face both new and on-going trials with their sweet babies.
We know that many of your prayers are already with them and all other members of our wonderful ward as various trials and needs arise. That love and concern is felt by us all.
Please join with our ward family in including these families in our prayers and fasting this week.
May they feel the loving hand of the Lord in their lives and the love and support that we all have for them now and every day.