We want to pass along a few announcements, and reminders for the next few weeks.
Temple Night will be Friday December 18th. Please meet at the church at 5:30 to carpool and make sure we have plenty of time to get into our sessions on that very busy night.
Our Ward Christmas Party will be Saturday December 19th at 6:30. Please plan on bringing your favorite Christmas Treat to share with everyone, and dress for being outside. We'll start the night off with Christmas Caroling and return to the church house for a program and refreshments.
It it our month to clean the church. Families with last names starting M-Z are responsible for the 12th and 26th. A-L have done the 5th, and need to mark their calenders for the 19th.
Thanks to all who have donated to our Christmans Goodies Baskets. We have updated our needs list from a couple of items and will continue to update items as we have enough of them. Keep checking for the most current information.
RS Newsletters and Visiting Teaching. We passed our December newsletter/Visiting Teaching Message around last Sunday, and encourage you to make an in home visit this month. In celebration of our Savior birth it is especially important to let your sister know that they are loved. If you need an additional copy of this months message click on the Visiting Teaching Link to LDS.org on the left of this blog. We appreciate your good Visiting Teaching efforts.
We hope you are having a wonderful Christmas Season.